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Toaster Ui

murtazajoo's github profile

Toaster-Ui is a lightweight javascript library that allows you to easily display toast messages in your web application.

Blood Donation Project

Saurav-Pant's github profile

This project is based on the concept of blood donation. It is a simple project that helps the user to donate blood and also helps the user to find the blood donor.


ShreyaDhiman24's github profile

Thrift is a humanitarian effort dedicated to promoting literacy by offering free old books to learners. Along with them, you can buy OR sell second hand books & your handmade works as well. A unique component of our work is the identification of adjacent NGOs that can place requests for books or other needed items for children, thereby benefiting pupils.


Man07har's github profile

A website design for the complaint pusposes and to showcase the products that a company has to offer

Jp-Shop (E-commerce)

juanPabloDiaz's github profile

e-Commerce that consumes an API to fetch products. Features include a sign in, product filtering, skeleton screens, and pagination


RoopkumarD's github profile

A web diary app which let's you write encrypted diary entries stored securely in your browser.


panditshivammishra's github profile

Hllo! it's my reactjs app that works with text

Anime Web

dev-AshishRanjan's github profile

This project is based on VueJs and uses scss as stylesheet. It uses the unique data passing between child and parent component. It uses REST API as data source to display images and GIFs related to your search with search customization.

Portfolio Templet

SyedImtiyaz-1's github profile

It's a portfolio templet with functionality.

devFind - OpenSource

shyamtawli's github profile

devFind lets developers easily create profiles to showcase their skills and find collaborators.